Hi guys: Just recieved issue #29 of your great mag. It's good to finally see a bit of work on the KLX250. Now that you have covered the powerplant, I wonder if you could educate myself and other KLX owners on the minor suspension upgrades nessessary for off-road riding. I myself sit in at about 86kg. Would be very interested in your advice. Love the mag, so keep up the good work.
-- Shane, via www.trailzone.com.au
-- Shane, via www.trailzone.com.au
Thanks for your email, Shane. We contacted Tony Janicksa at Kawasaki Australia head office and he explained that Kawasaki don't actually stock OE part optional fork and shock springs for the KLX250, so you instead have to call in a specialist suspension service centre workshop. They will be able to set-up your KLX's fork and shock with aftermarket fork springs and a shock spring to better suit your weight, speed and riding conditions. Obviously the harder you want to push it off-road, the more you will benefit from having a fork and shock dialled-in to suit. They can also make intricate valving and oil set-up mods, and once you get it done, you will be impressed by just how much better the ride is in off-road conditions. Stock suspension set-ups are always a compromise, and the stock set-up on the KLX is aimed at city commuting, road riding and soft-core trail riding. Two of the leading suspension centres here in Sydney where we are based are www.biketek.com.au and www.teknikracing.com and it's more than worth your while checking out their web sites and then contacting their workshops and discussing your needs with them. A few hundred dollars spent on fork and shock set-ups will pay big dividends with a faster, more comfortable and safer rider in the bush. Get onto them and get it done, mate.
-- Dr Phil, www.trailzone.com.au (Want to comment? Then email askdrphil@trailzone.com.au)
www.teknikracing.com have a 415mm long spring 37.7 mm OD that fits perfect in rates up to 0.50 kg/mm.