I would like some advice on a subject: I was a mad keen 4WDer for about seven years doing 4WD comps all over Australia ,then woke up one day and wanted a change. Where I work my boss was in to dirt bikes and road bikes, so I thought I would get back into motorcycles – after not having been on one for nearly 20 years! So I bought a WR400F, did one ride, stacked on a downhill, then had to kickstart it, so I sold it the next week! But then I bought an ’04 WR450F, which was a good bike with electric-start – sweet, but I had my hand in my wallet all the time, so I traded it in on an ’08 KLX450R – go the green machine! But then my boss buys a new WR450F and starts to beat me, so I sold the KLX and bought an Aprilia RXV450. Unfortunately I had it a week and the engine leaked more oil than that oil spill of the Queensland coast, so I fought with bike shop over it – and long story short, I now own a 2010 KTM 530EXC, which is a great bike. Now, believe it or not, all this happened in just one year back riding, so my question is, I would love to get into enduro events like the Australian Off-Road Championships and the Four Day Enduro. Since I got back into riding I go out riding almost every weekend without fail, so I would love some tips and pointers on how to prepare for these events and what events to start with? I was thinking about some of the Dalby Moto trail rides and maybe even some DSMRA rides. I have been to Mannar Park and down two days flat-out around there, so now I’m looking for more. Any help would be gratefully taken onboard, so thanks in advance. Stay upright!
-- Danny Moore, via www.trailzone.com.au
What a story, Danny: sounds like you have almost single-handedly kept the south-east Queensland dirt bike industry out of recession with all your bike trades over the past year! We’re just glad to hear you’re finally stoked with the mighty 530 Kato and that you now want to take your riding to the next level and get into some competition events – good one. The Dalby Moto and Australian Dirt Bike Adventures trail rides are great places to start, as you get to ride new venues, meet new people and find out about more rides and races. And by talking to other riders, you’ll also learn a heap about setting-up your bike, while for riding tips and instruction, check out the www.kirkhuttoncoaching.com.au web site and sign up for some riding clinics with Queensland enduro legend, Kirk ‘The King’ Hutton. Finally, get onto the www.ma.org.au web site and find details of motorcycle clubs near to where you live and get along to the next club meeting and join up and then kick off by racing some club events and state events – after that you can step-up and contest national events like the AORC and Four Day. Good luck with it and go hard, son!
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
(Got a question? Send your letters to trailmail@trailzone.com.au)
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