Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

OBMCC President Chris Dodd said preparations for the iconic race were on schedule and the club had received tremendous support from the motorcycle industry and riders.
“Everyone’s really excited about the race and we’re working tirelessly to make sure it’s an A4DE for the history books,” Dodd said.
“The industry’s been really supportive and we have a fantastic sponsor line-up: we are very pleased to announce Yamaha has come on board as naming rights sponsor for this year’s event.
“Riders are also showing a lot of interest and enthusiasm and I can assure anyone out there who is keen to experience an A4DE that the trails and special tests at the Portland A4DE will be a blast to ride.”
The OBMCC have been hard at work putting the finishing touches on plans for the event, including mapping out and pre-riding the course and special tests - which are tipped to be some of the best in many years.
The A4DE is one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious enduro motorcycle events and contributes more than $1.5 million annually to the economy of the host area.
Now in its 32nd year, this year’s Yamaha A4DE will see 350 riders (ranging in ability from clubman-level to the country’s elite) battle for the Outright crown and national class titles.
Last year’s A4DE was held at Orange, NSW, and saw Jarrod Bewley take the Outright victory over rookie Toby Price. Bewley will have added competition this year, however, with five-time world champion, Yamaha’s Stefan Merriman (pictured), ready to race the A4DE for the first time since 2005.
Merriman, from Nelson’s Bay (NSW), was forced to withdraw from the 2009 A4DE at the last minute after suffering a broken bone in his shoulder at a state championship round.
A4DE Course Coordinator Rick Braico said riders would enjoy fresh trail every day and a total of eight special tests.
“Four of the tests are grass tracks and four are enduro tests, each will only be ridden four times to ensure they don’t get too rough or worn,” Braico said.
“We’re making the course so riders have an honest day’s ride. When they get off the bike they’ll be tired, but it won’t be impossible.
“It’ll be the way an A4DE is supposed to be: a tough endurance race that most riders can finish and those who do finish will feel a real sense of accomplishment.”
Braico said the course would include a “good mix of terrain”, including single track, forrest roads and technical (but rideable) sections.
He said the terrain in the area had “a bit of a hardish bottom” and would be shaley in sections. Intermediate tyres would be recommended - “a couple of the tests are in paddocks so should be loamy,” he said.
Competitors and their support crews will also have access to all the creature comforts of home, with the staging area for the race (at Portland) located just 30-minutes drive from Lithgow and 40-minutes from Bathurst.
The 32nd annual A4DE will be held at Portland (near Lithgow, NSW) on April 8th to 11th, 2010.
Entries will be capped at 350 riders, supplementary regulations will be available fromwww.a4de2010.com.au later this week. The event boasts the following classes: E1 (100cc to 150cc 2-Stroke & 150cc to 250cc 4-stroke), E2 (175cc to 250cc 2-stroke & 275cc to 450cc 4-Stroke), E3 (290cc to 500cc 2-stroke & 475cc to 650cc 4-stroke), Veteran's (Over 35-years), Master's (Over 45-years) and Women All Powers.
The Yamaha A4DE is the second largest enduro motorcycle race in the southern hemisphere and will attract 350 riders from across Australasia.
Hosting the event is the Oyster Bay Motorcycle Club. The OBMCC is made up of more than 300 enduro-passionate members and is arguably one of the most successful and longest running enduro clubs in NSW.
Yamaha A4DE info and news can be found at the official website: www.a4de2010.com.au
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi guys: Love the mag, it’s always a great read. I currently have a Kawasaki KLX450R 2009 model. I'm looking at getting a larger fuel tank, as I do some long rides out in the deserts of Roxby Downs, SA. Do you have any ideas on what brand would be best? I was looking at some US suppliers like IMS and Clarke, mainly for price. I can only get info for tanks that fit the old KLX 400 and 650s. Keep up the great work with mag.
-- Tim Dixon, via www.trailzone.com.au
Thanks for your enquiry, Tim. We've actually had two Kawasaki KLX450R Project Bikes over the past three years and have used an 11.7 litre fuel tank from IMS on both of them. The tank is actually for the KX450F motocrosser, but can be fitted to the KLX readily, however you have to get a set of KX-F radiator shrouds to fit, and then run KX-F graphics. IMS tanks are distributed in Australia by C&R Imports in Melbourne, so call them on (03) 9587 5077 to find the name of your nearest IMS stockist. If you want a heap more info on set-ups and preps for the KLX450R, then call the TRAIL ZONE office on (02) 9905 ZONE and order back issues 14, 15 and 16 ('08 model) and issues 24, 25 and 26 ('09 model), to get all the details on the mods we made to our KLX450Rs. Ride on!
-- Dr Phil, www.trailzone.com.au
NOTE: Email your Ask Dr Phil questions to: askdrphil@trailzone.com.au
Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi guys: I saw Jay Foreman's Suzuki DR650 with the DR-Z forks in TRAIL ZONE recently and was just wondering if you’d be interested in my current build project? I got back into bikes with a DR650 over a year ago at age 45, kids being all grown up. I’ve been trail riding my DR650 for around a year and was pretty disappointed with the suspension, as is anyone who tries riding one off-road. I have had it down to the local bike club and ripped around the enduro track and kept pace with other old farts on 450s but the suspension was just killing me. I’d done the new springs and Gold Valves, but it still not what I wanted. It went a lot harder around the track but still wouldn’t jump without damaging the bashplate. I didn’t want to trade up to a 450 because of the cost, and because I lose the advantages of the 650 when it comes to riding to the trail head. So after some research and patient nights on ebay, I fitted an RM-Z front end complete and have an RM-Z rear coming. I figured an RM-Z was the way to go because they are sprung so hard compared to a trail bike/enduro bike. It is far stiffer than the upgraded DR forks. I got a brand new set of forks and triple clamps for US$400 and US$202 postage. Winging its way to me as I type are a brand new front wheel for US$162 and a brand new rear shock for US$180, with both shipped for US$200. The ride is so much better than it was that it’s hard to describe. I should have the rear all fitted up real soon.and then I'm going to play all up in the Brindabellas and do a write-up. Just wondering if you’re interested? By the way, love the mag!
Hi Adam: Thanks for your email -- nice job! We're actually taking delivery of a Suzuki DR650 at the end of next month which will become our next adventure Project Bike in TRAIL ZONE through this year. The DR Project Bike build-up will be completed by Lance Turnley from www.offroadexplorer.com over the course of three issues mid-year. Re your offer of a story and photos of your DR650, YES, send us some brief info and a couple of pix of the finished product, as we'll find a spot in the mag to feature what guys like you are doing with your DRs, alongside the mods we make to our own Project Bike. Thanks for your interest in the mag; now go play in the Brindabellas, you lucky bugger! Ride on,
Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

March 20 & 21 2010 based at Crowne Plaza, Cessnock
Get more details from the www.trailbikerallys.com.au web site or please call 0427 277 888 or email rodcart@bigpond.com
DON'T Forget the Hunter Valley has lots too offer, so bring the family! Imagine saying this to your partner. 'How would you like to spend two days at the Crowne Plaza Cessnock nestled amongst the vineyards in the Hunter Valley'. Once you get the nod you can then break the news that while she is sipping on the valleys finest wines you'll be carving up adventure loops from the Hunter Valley to Barrington Tops. For full activity details and more info about the Hunter Valley visit www.winecountry.com.au
Don't have a bike, then call our friends at Ozrider, they have bikes for hire: call 1800 GO MOTO
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Anthony 'AJ' Roberts will be riding red again with the announcement that he has formed his own Team to take on the Australian Off Road Championships, Australian Four Day Enduro and other key events on the calendar.
"I'm excited to say that for 2010 I will be racing for the Force Honda Thor Michelin Off Road Team," AJ said.
"Honda Australia has given me a great opportunity to represent them at the highest level in Off Road Racing and along with major support from Force Accessories, Gas Imports and Michelin Australia, they are giving me the best opportunity to put together a great race season." AJ will also be contesting the Finke Desert Race under the guidance of former Finke Champion Michael Vroom, owner of Desert Edge Motorcycles in Alice Springs.
"This will be my first year racing Finke so there is a lot to learn, but riding under Michael's new DERT Team will give me the best chance I can get out there." The 27 year old rider will also take on The Australian Safari with the help of GHR Honda, who have backed numerous winners over the years.
"The Safari will be a priority of mine and with the help of GHR Honda, the long haul to Western Australia will hopefully be a trip to remember; it's definitely one of Australia's most gruelling events." AJ has launched a new website - www.aj36.com - including video of the multiple Champion taking out his 2010 CRF450R for its inaugural ride.
The website will also be kept up to date with race results and other news on a regular basis.
"The number 36 on the website address is the number I had for my first AORC in 2005, and it will also be my race number for the 2010 season."
"I'm looking forward to lining up on the start line of the first round of the AORC's in Port Macquarie, NSW on the 13th-14th of March," AJ said.

Hi Dr Phil: I have been riding dirt bikes for many years but mainly racing Motocross – I was second in the Victorian state champs in 2000, so can still ride at A grade level these days. Now a bit older at 32 and living in Broome, WA, I’m doing a lot more trail riding and have purchased an '08 CRF450X with 1100km on it. I fitted a full Yoshi system, Hot-Cam stage 2, rejetted with standard 450R jets (165 main, R needle one clip up from middle position and standard pilot jet), plus I've also opened up the air box as much as possible, and did the pink wire mod, which I don’t think did anything. It does seem to hit the rev limiter easy. Are they limited lower than the R model? I'm still doing some local club MX these days and I still want more snap out of it, to clear obstacles. I raced an '05 CRF450R for a couple of years and still ride my mates' 450Rs – I just want that same sort of power out of the X. Can you help with any other suggestions?
-- Cameron Schultz, via www.trailzone.com.au
We couldn’t think of anybody better to answer your questions, Cameron, than legend Honda tuner and GHR Honda race team boss, Glenn Hoffmann, who promptly fired back this reply:
"The 450x is certainly capable of making equal power to the R model, Cameron, as our Safari X model race bikes are every bit as quick as our Finke 450 R models. GHR has never used a Yoshi or Hot Cams so I cannot comment on these personally. I would suggest that the ignition is still standard and that big gains could be had from calling Richard at Vortex ignitions. On a second note you have mentioned that the bike is hitting the rev limit quickly, yet is having trouble clearing obstacles on the MX track. I don’t know what gearing you have on the X, but if it is original you may find that it is to short at 13/51. Instead 13/48 may give you more drive with less gear changes and allow you to be carrying more speed at the take-off point, which should help clear those obstacles. AJ Roberts has spent a lot of time on CRF450Rs in enduro trim and he was amazed at how quick our Rallye 450X models are. The 450X is an amazing bike that continues to surprise us with its reliability and outright performance. The power is there, but it might still be hiding a bit without the ignition to match the other goodies you have purchased. Big reliable power is achieved when all components are working together. Good luck with it!"
-- Glenn Hoffmann, GHR/Dirtbike, via www.dirtbike.com.au
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Leaving from Parramatta, NSW, on 27 December, the boys will undertake a 21-day 7,000km motorcycle ride to Alice Springs and back through New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia.
The boys are hoping that local residents along the way will support them by joining them for a leg of their ride or by sponsoring them via their Go Fundraise page.
Jeremy Adams, organiser and participant of ‘Bikers for Boobs’ says “If we could get 1000 riders for the whole ride, how good would that be? We’d love to have 300 to 400 people for the first day!”
To find out how to take part or for more details on the boys route visit www.bikersforboobs.com.au.
Sunday, January 3, 2010