Hi Dr Phil: I'm the happy owner of a 2010 Kawasaki KLX250S and I'm looking at improving the power delivery. When reading the full maintenance manual (for the US, Canada and Australia models), I'm surprised to see the US model has 50 per cent more power than the Aussie model (in stock form). Not sure if ADR compliance is behind this? Regarding improving air flow, I understand some people replace the stock snorkel with a KDX200 high-flow snorkel, others remove the air snorkel altogether and others remove the full air box cover (including the snorkel). Do you have a view on what is best for the bike? I'm also intending to replace the carby slide or fill up the holes in the stock slide. Is filling up good enough or would you advise to buy a new slide? I always use the bike in off-road conditions and it is a relatively elevated area (the southern highlands in NSW). Many thanks and keep up the good work!
-- Rod via www.trailzone.com.au
Thanks for your email, Rod. I’m stunned by your suggestion that the power spec is 50 per cent different! But I’m sure you checked it many times once you’d noted that. And if indeed it is true, then, YES, you can be sure that Australian ADR requirements was the reason. The best advice I’ve got for you is contact the TRAIL ZONE office on (02) 9905 9663 and have Tania send you back issue number 29. It had a story in there on a really trick KLX250S that a mate of ours that works at Kawasaki Australia built. His name is Tony Jacinska (pictured) and he knows the KLX250S inside-out. It’s an awesome read as he'd put a 300cc kit into his bike and it did go really well. But be warned ... for the sort of money YOU’D have to spend for the same work, you’d be crazy not to just buy something like a WR250F or Honda CRF250X or of KTM 250 EXC-F or Husky TE250. Think long and hard before spending too much cash! Best of luck with it.
-- Dr Phil, www.trailzone.com.au
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