Monday, December 21, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hi Trailzone team: I just wanted to say thanks for putting together a great magazine and for the bloody (excuse me) brilliant DVD you put together in this latest instalment. I’ve been hanging out for this latest DVD for months and I’ve practically worn it out already as it’s an absolute riot and my boys and I have a jolly good chuckle watching it. It’s great to see you putting together a DVD with terrific shots and lots of funny sketches. I can’t wait till we see ‘Trailzone Adventures’ the movie – Clubby, Popgun and Russ circum-navigating Australia or the like (I might be waiting a while but it would be nice if it happened). I also wanted to say well done to Popgun for his article on ‘Tribal Warfare’ -- it’s great to read articles which open up debate amongst a fraternity. Keep up the brilliant work fellas. Now, I just remembered my subscription is about to expire so I better fill out the form and send it back to you. Anyway, here’s wishing you and your families the very merriest of Christmas’ and the happiest of New Years.
-- John M, via www.trailzone.com.au
Now that’s a wrap if ever we scored one, John! All the feedback to our latest IN THE ZONE: EPISODE 3 DVD has been good, which is precisely why we go through all the time, effort and expense of making our own DVD each year: truth be told, we love making them and you guys love watching them! It’s a win-win situation. As for the TRAIL ZONE team taking on a lap of Australia, well, you know Russ and I would be up for it at the drop of a hat, although our provisos would be that I get to ride my '83 Tenere, and Russ gets to start every day with a double-decaf mocha low-fat latte and a slice of toasted banana bread! As for getting Popgun along on such an epic adventure ride, well, we’ve only ever got him out on an adventure ride with us once before, and all he did the whole weekend was whinge and whine and want to know, “When’s the real dirt bike riding start and where are the arrows to follow?!” Enjoy the holidays ... and get that subscription renewed to get your chance to Choose Your Ride and win your choice of a brand new Husky TE450 or Kawasaki KLX450R or KTM 300EXC or Suzuki DR-Z400E or Yamaha WR450F!
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

-- Warren's Mum (and Lachlan's Grandmum), via www.trailzone.com.au
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You just have to love it when you pull a mighty holeshot – and that’s exactly what we’ve done with TRAIL ZONE issue #27, which hits the newsagent’s shelves nationwide today, a full week ahead of schedule!
And not only will TRAIL ZONE fans be getting their new issue hot off the press, but it also comes bundled up with our latest epic DVD presentation, our new IN THE ZONE: EPISODE 3 DVD.
TRAIL ZONE issue #27 is jam-packed with an absolute feast of awesome reading about trail, enduro and adventure bike riding, highlights of which include the 2010 range of Husky enduro bikes, Cape York and Snowy Ride travel stories and a mountain of awesome tech tips and Project Bike bike set-up stories.
As for our new IN THE ZONE: EPISODE 3 DVD, it delivers 80 minutes of edge-of-the-seat viewing and plenty of carnage!
This issue also offers the final chance to get in on our annual CHOOSE YOUR RIDE subscription promotion. We’ve given away no less than eight new dirt bikes over the past five years and it’s time for us to do it again in our massive CHOOSE YOUR RIDE promotion.
One lucky subscriber to TRAIL ZONE will be plucked from the barrel to take their choice of a five bike prize line-up of red-hot trail/enduro machines that include the Husqvarna TE450, Kawasaki KLX450R, KTM 300 EXC-E, Suzuki DR-Z400E and Yamaha WR450F.
It’s the ultimate magazine subscriber deal and the lucky winner gets to choose their ride! For full details check out TRAIL ZONE issue #27 on-sale at newsagents nationwide now and/or get online and view the www.trailzone.com.au web site.
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
Sunday, December 6, 2009