I note that my ol' mate Tommy TBAM has just returned from a Cape York ride with legend FNQ trail boss, Roy Kunda from Cape York Motorcycle Adventures.
I further note that Tommy made the ride with his son, Ben -- how cool is that: doing a CapeYork ride with your son?! -- as well as good ol' Mark 'call me Rex, as in Hunt' Petersen, who is the big cheese at Exhibitions & Trade Fairs, the company that runs the fast-approaching Australian Motorcycle Expo in Melbourne (which is on at the end of November -- we will see you there!).
Now, as a bloke who has ridden more Cape York tours than Grabbo has won Australian Safaris, I thought all this was kinda ho-hum ... until a photo landed in the TRAIL ZONE Inbox showing Peto and his first-ever catch of a mighty Barramundi: check that baby out!
Looks big enough to feed a pack of hungry dirt bike riders for a week -- and it probably did!
So I say good luck to Peto and well done on an epic catch.
Which only goes to make me and Reeksy feel like right plonkers after we did a trip to the Tip with Roy and the CYMCA crew late last year and we carried rods and reels and baits and lures all the way to Seisa with us, and the only thing we caught in a week of relentless casting was a cold ... and the ugly poor excuse for a creature from the black lagoon Reeksy is pictured here with.
Looks like Peto must have wet his lure at far more special 'secret fishing holes' than we did! Great catch, Rex!
Rest assured the pressure's now on me and Reeksy to one day land the barra from hell -- Cape York look-out!
Yibbeddeeyibbeddaa ....
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
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