The Dual-Sport Motorcycle Riders Association is a pro-active bunch of dirt bike riding blokes ever there was one.
We catch up with the national DSMRA boys every year at the Kowen Forest Ride in Canberra, which is one of their biggest events of the year -- but they have branches in every state and turn on a multitude of trail, enduro and adventure bike rides. Check out the annual DSMRA calendar and it is jam packed!
Right now the DSMRA is on a massive membership drive and they are laying on a ripper incentive to join up or renew your DSMRA membership.
If you join the DSMRA or renew your membership before December 31, 2010, you will go in a draw to win a brand spanking new Husqvarna TE510 -- how good is that!
That's right, not only will you get in on all the action of the DSMRA rides, but you could also score a ground-pounding new TE510!
For more details and to join up, get online and check out the www.dsmra.asn.au web site ... and good luck!
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
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