It's on again: the annual Kowen Forest Ride at Canberra organised by the DSMRA.
This year's event is set down for the weekend of April 2/3 in the lush green forests of Kowen right near Queanbeyan and the national capital.
Two loops of awesome arrowed fire-trails and single-track will be on offer, with food, camping and music available on-site on Friday and Saturday nights.
Of course it just wouldn't be the Kowen Forest Ride if one lucky rider didn't get the chance to win a brand new dirt bike and this year the DSMRA is giving away a brand spanking new Suzuki DR-Z400E to one lucky rider.
Entry numbers are strictly limited to just 300 starters, so if you want in on all the action, pick up an entry form at leading motorcycle shops in the ACT or the Canberra Motorcycle Centre, or check out the www.dsmra.asn.au web site and download it.
And we'll see you there!
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
it really is a great ride. Again, there are some drains that cross the roads at points, but these are usually either hoppable or easy to find a smooth line through.Bikes Canberra