Hi guys: Just wanted to drop you a line to say how I'm enjoying your mag. I'm 45 years old and got back into trail riding over the last couple of years after nearly an 18 year lay-off, (you know, marriage, work, kids, mortgage) but I'm back and loving it. The good lady wife went and bought me a brand-new '06 WR250. Gee I love that girl! And I love my 1/4 horse. I ride a lot in the Otway ranges in south-west Victoria which is just a great place to ride. I have managed to hook-up with some guys about my age and we ride together every couple of weeks and have a great time. I really enjoy reading your mag as it is dedicated to us trail riders and I get a bit of kick reading (and watching the DVDs) on the trail adventures you guys go on, as you can relate to the stories and get a laugh from them. More carnage, Clubby! Dr Phil has also helped me out with a few technical tweaks to my bike, which has been very helpful. I read every issue cover-to-cover and then they make it to the smallest room in the house -- just in case I missed something, you know?! I just went on the Kenda Rally up at Eildon and had the best time with 500 of me newest best friends. This was a really well run event and will do it again next year. Can't wait! So thanks for the great mag, boys, as I look forward to every new issue in my mail box. Stay upright!
-- Peter C, via www.trailzone.com.au
Thanks for an awesome letter, Pete. We get a stack of letters from readers saying exactly the same thing and we're always stoked to hear from guys your age getting back into dirt bikes after way too many years on the sidelines, for all those domestic reasons you mention. So get out and enjoy that WR-F as its makers intended, and don't forget to say thanks to the missus after every memorable sessions in the stciks -- what a doll you've got there to have got you a new bike ... gotta love 'em!
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
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