Hello TRAIL ZONE: I would like to say thank-you for the information you supply in your magazine. I have been reading TRAIL ZONE for the past two years and enjoy every issue. I treat TRAIL ZONE issue #23 (May/June 2009) like a bible as Dr Phil's 101 Trail Tips are absolutely brilliant. I was trail riding the other day when I was forced to use Trail Tip #80 re ONE RADIATOR CAN DO (see pic attached). On the one trek the old CR suffered a broken clutch lever (that is now held in place with cable ties) and then a speared radiator -- but managed to limp the 15km journey home on only one radiator, with a stick for a radiator cap, and then only to arrive with a flat front tyre! I ride a WR250F 2007 model that you can just see in the background. Thank-you Dr Phil for the all the great advice. Keep up the good work.
-- Brent via www.trailzone.com.au
Thanks for your email, Brent -- we always love a story with a happy ending. And judging by the amount of carnage the CR copped on that particular ride, you boys sure were lucky to get out of it with a happy ending. We've had a lot of awesome feedback to Dr Phil's 101 Trail Tips article. It's amazing how so many simple yet effective tips can play such a vital role in making a ride memorable for all the right reasons, rather than the wrong ones. Well done on salvaging a finish to a ride that might have left other riders on the side of the track scratching their heads about what to do. That's the never-say-die attitude we love to see.
-- Clubby, www.trailzone.com.au
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